We love our Pathways’ Community! Meet Melanie, who is a parent of one of our Chilliwack program participants, Jordan. Melanie says she first heard about the program from Jordan, and says Jordan loves participating! Melanie says that Jordan loves to keep active at Pathways; his favourite activities are bowling, hiking and volunteering (link to volunteer blog).
Melanie believes that Pathways encourages Jordan’s social side, as he goes out on many outings with friends during the program, including volunteering in his community. Being social is important for all: experts agree that an active social life can boost your immune system and improve your nutrition, since you tend to eat more when you're around others. Being social can also lower your blood pressure and potentially reduce the symptoms of depression.
To other parents who may be considering a Pathways program for their child, Melanie says she recommends signing up. “Pathways is a GREAT program!” she says. “Jordan loves it!”